Sunday, January 16, 2011

Are we "Home" yet?

It doesn't feel right because we are staying at the White Swan Hotel which seems like "Disney World" to me. It is a very nice 5 star hotel located on an island resort. We have a wonderful view out of our window of the Pearl River.

On Saturday, Hope and I went to have her final medical exam in China, that will allow her to enter the USA. It was a very small place with two doctors and about 50 families trying to get their final check-up as well. Hope did a wonderful job by listening well, following directions and was very patient throughout the entire process.

However, all day long we knew Hope was acting different and we were concerned with her melancholy attitude. Our interpreter asked Hope why she was so sad and it was as exactly as we had thought. Hope believed the plane ride from Beijing to Guangzhou was the flight "home" and she woke up in another hotel room in China. She was very disappointed that we were still in China and is ready to go home to the USA. The interpreter told her that we have one more week and we will travel on 3 more planes before we will be "Home". She smiled and has been her jolly, singing, dancing self ever sense.

That afternoon Abigail and I went window shopping. We met the store owner who said he would write our new daughter's name in Chinese Calligraphy for free. When we told him her name was Hope he asked if it was from the Bible. When we responded "Yes" he said he was a Christian!

This morning we traveled to a folk museum. It was very historic and we got another taste of Chinese culture. The facility originally was a school for higher education that trained ancient Chinese Scholars. When the Communist took over they changed it into a printing factory but today it has been restored and it is a school for aspiring artist.

This afternoon we went to a local playground along the waterfront. The children had a wonderful time playing and walking along the river front. We had dinner at a local diner called Lucy's which serves American food. We ate with two other adoptive families who have become our friends on this journey.

Every night when we pray, Hope will follow our lead and kneel beside the bed with her fingers crossed. She will say thank you Jesus for Mama, Baba, JeiJei and GuhGuh.

We can't thank God enough for this special little girl He has blessed us with.


  1. Hi Shelly! Sounds like you are one step closer to being home! That is so exciting. I wanted you to know that I created you a meal train at Feel free to make any changes or edits that you feel are necessary. Also, someone suggested I put a link to it on your blog, but I was not sure how to do that. If you know how, please do so. We are all so excited about your return and the church has been faithfully praying for you every Sunday. Can't wait to see you. Love, Millie

  2. Thank you for sharing these wonderful stories! Millie is right: David has prayed for you every Sunday (and Thursday in chapel), and our classes are praying every morning. Tell sweet Abigail that God's timing is perfect! I know how thrilled she is to finally be with her sister! Still missing more week! Woo hoo! Love and hugs, Dana

  3. So happy the medical exam went well and you are one step closer to all being home! Every situation you all have been through is binding your family tighter and tighter as you grow in love each day. May God give you His strength and direct each step as you journey HOME!! Big hugs to all of you!

  4. Shelly, she's adorable- congrats! We are naming our Beijing cutie Hope also (and yes, the "Hope from the Bible"-- love that!!)

    (from adopt Beijing kids)
