Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Roller Coaster Ride

Monday afternoon Abigail went to get the mail and came running to me saying "We got it! We got it!" We got our immigration papers back. I was like WOW that was so fast. I was so excited until I saw what kind of envelope it was in.

It was a big envelope which meant it was NOT the paper I was waiting on. I did not want to crush her excitement but knew it could not be good. I told the kids to go on outside and play I would be there in a minute. After they left I quickly opening the envelope and in the top left corner it said
REJECTED. That's all I could see for the moment because tears were streaming down my face.

I knew that it was not really that big of a deal I just needed to send some kind of other paper or something but I also knew it would take that much longer to bring home our sweet little girl. I could not even read the paper right then so I tried to pull it together and take my kids on that bike ride they wanted to go on. The minute the children saw me they knew. I told them it was fine I was just sad because it was just going to take a little longer to bring Hope home.

After I bike ride I decided to look at the papers to see what the matter was and only found it to saw there was a missing paper but what missing paper I could not figure out.

I called the 1-800 # they said to call and explained everything to the lady. She in turn sent me to someone higher up because she could not answer my question. There was a message saying they were open 8a.m.- 8p.m. and my wait time was 20-25 minutes. I decided I would fix the kids dinner and call after that maybe the wait time wouldn't be so long.

At 7:05 p.m. I called back and the message said no one was available at this time please call back between 8a.m.-8 p.m.. Yes
you guessed it they were on Eastern time.

So I decided to just to put the kids in bed and go to bed and try again tomorrow. ( I forgot to mention my husband who is NEVER out of town was out of town)

Next morning I got up early, called at 7:10 am and finally talked to someone. Who sent me to the next level. They said I had to email the people in Memphis. I thought great finally an answer.

I emailed the people in Memphis they emailed me back within 5 minutes. Hooray finally an answer about the missing page. But no they said I had the call this 1-800 # . I could not believe it that was the same 1-800 # I had called that morning. Now I was really beginning to wonder what I was going to do. Yes stop and pray!!!

As so it goes on and on and on and on for about 5 hours until I finally figured out that I had to have my new homestudy and old homestudy with the application I could not send it later like our social worker told us.

So off the post office again.

Hopefully this time I will get it right.

What did I learn through all this????

God is good all the time. All the time God is good.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Home Study

Hooray!!! Home study has been updated and approved. As of 9:00 this morning. I just ran down to the agency to pick it up and went straight to the post office to send it to immigrations. Now we wait again for immigrations to update our papers. They said it could be up to 6 weeks. We are praying for 2 weeks. We really really want to go to China this summer. God is good and he already knows the time.